Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Welcome to my web page which is about the work and world in which I live in.

I am a qualified and accredited Lay Companion and am entitled to use the qualification of Senior Advocate.

My work entails working under four separate categories:

1.  Senior Advocate

Mainly, I represent individuals or groups of union members who are suffering the effects and consequences of corrupt and inefficient company directors or directors in name only.  This includes  extremely incompetent, inefficient and corrupt HR personnel (HR does not stand for Human Rights) with little, or no, qualifications who are institutionalised, old fashioned and completely out of touch with today's best practice. 

Also,  senior/junior management and line managers who are in a position above their capability and have no hesitation in lying to maintain their position, occupational health doctors and staff who are extremely economical with the truth and will accept 'the nod' to pacify the company to which they are representing and finally, employment solicitors who have no morals and normally appear on a list called Solicitors from Hell. 

2  Community Activist

My main activity is to help and assist groups of individuals within the community who are struggling to get their point of view heard and dealt with in the appropriate manner.  My work entails educating and informing individuals and community groups to be able to represent themselves with the help and resources of a large independent and non political organisation. 

This will entail bringing to the attention of the local community, councils, councillors and nationally political parties and politicians who have not been wise and therefore are incompetent and corrupt and need to be named and shamed. 

3  Branch Secretary, Unite the Union, Kent Sussex and Surrey Healthcare and NFP Branch SE/6290

As Branch Secretary of one of the largest branches in the South East and London, I represent members needs on an individual or collective basis.

4.  Fat Cats

This role is to bring  attention  to the World of  individuals, solicitors, politicians and  groups in industry, commerce and public office ,locally, and nationally, who have been found to be corrupt and incompetent and need to be named and shamed,



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